winmotor next v.3.1 benefits and added values

November 6, 2023

In our ever-changing world of aftermarket services, digitalization of workshops has emerged as a crucial factor to maintain competitiveness and deliver quality services. We are excited to announce the launch of winmotor next version 3.1, which further bolsters our steadfast dedication to innovation. This updated version comes with several new features and improvements that will enable more efficient management of daily operations. 

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What you need to know about after-sales opportunities

January 17, 2023

All good car repair professionals advise their customers verbally or, better still, record in writing on their invoices or quotation to be provided (technical inspection, worn tires, air conditioning, anti-pollution control, etc.).  

Only a few of them actually do it!  

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Management software: Why computerise my car repair shop

October 19, 2022

First of all, it is perhaps limiting to want to computerise in order to have a so-called invoicing software. Indeed, a management or invoicing software (DMS) covers a bigger perimeter and can therefore seem cumbersome to cover this need alone.   Read more

Build customer loyalty with predictive marketing

October 19, 2022

The various surveys regularly show that motorists trust their repairer and that attractive offers are not the only criterion for their choice. However, these are numerous and therefore customer loyalty is not guaranteed.

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Why change our business software to the web

July 22, 2022

For some time now, we have had to notice that in order to follow the digitalisation path recommended by all the market major players, vertical software and other IT tools are evolving to full web platforms.

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